Your order will be processed and shipped within 3-7 business days from the date of purchase. You will receive an email confirmation and the USPS tracking number when your package has shipped.
Darling Street is happy to offer both domestic and international shipping*.
Note: For international shipping please email or dm us, we will setup a flat rate for you based on your order weight.
For orders sent to addresses within the US, Darling Street offers a $5 USPS flat rate and your package will arrive anywhere between 3 – 8 business days once shipped.
Note: Buyer is responsible for the cost of return shipping.
When shopping vintage and pre-owned pieces online, it’s best to follow our garment measurements as opposed to the marked size. Clothing and sizing has changed over time and differs between brands. Should you have any questions about specific measurements, feel free to contact us directly at or via DM @darlingstreetshop
We respect your privacy. Darling Street collects customer information to improve our customers’ shopping experience, to communicate with our customers about our products, services and promotions, and to enhance and improve the performance and accuracy of our operations and website. We collect the following information: e-mail and postal address and credit card numbers, that you provide to us when you place an order, when you save your information with us or when you participate in a sweepstakes, promotion or survey. Darling Street may use your information collected online to process and fulfill your order. We do not share any of this information with third parties.